Options for Walls - Option 3 Wallpaper/A4 Laserprints, Wooden Wall, 285 x 420 cm, Kunsthalle Bern, 2013/14. Photo by Pascal Petignat
1971 born in Berne (CH)
1986-1993 Preparatory & Graphic Design, SfGB, Biel/Bienne (CH)
1996-2002 MA in Visual Media, University of applied Arts, Vienna (AT)
2006-2009 Works between Vienna, Cairo, Berne
2017/2018 Postmaster Course in Critical Images, Royal Institute of Arts, Stockholm (SE)
2020-2025 Research assistant at HSLU, University for Applied Sciences and Arts Lucerne
2023- Doctoral Candidate at LUCA School Of Arts KU Leuven and HSLU, University for Applied Sciences and Arts Lucerne
Lives and works in Berne (CH)
2024 Your Own Spaces, Conference, HSLU (CH)
2024 Your Own Spaces – Multiperspectivity and Spatial Practices in Audio/Visual Forms of Knowledge Production, HSLU DFK, Lucerne (CH)
2023 AOR – Re-imagining, Aalto University Espoo, Finland (FI)
2022 Traversing Topologies – Imagining worlds and knowledge with/through artistic research, Swiss Artistic Research Network (CH)
2021 PARSE – on Violence, 4th biennial research conference, Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (SE)
Curatorial Projects
2024 Complicit Images, Discursive Screenings, Kino REX Bern, Bern
2024 Complicit Images, Discursive Screenings, Medienwerkstatt, Vienna
2022 SARN Conference Traversing Topologies – Imagining worlds and knowledge with/through artistic research, Swiss Artistic Research Network (CH)
2019 Komplexe Bilder monthly discursive film program, Cinema REX Bern (CH)
2018 Choreography of the Frame (with Michaela Schwentner), Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna (AT)
2017 Jungck Kunstpreis, Bern (CH)
2011 Fotopreis 2011 (Distiction) Canton of Bern (CH)
2010-14 Atelier by Art Council of the City of Bern (CH)
2010 Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium (Main Award) 2010 (CH)
2008 Sussmann Stipendium, Vienna (AT)
2003 Premiere Stipendium, Univ. f. angew. Kunst, Vienna (AT)
2002 Prix Ars Electronica, Award of distinction Net Vision, Linz, (AT)
2017 Sasso Residency, Vairano TI (CH)
2016 Stichting Kaus Australis, Rotterdam (NL)
2014 Bains Connectives, Brussels (BE)
2014 Oberhausen Seminar Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen (DE)
2011 Atelier Amman, Jordan (Pro Helvetia/Swiss Embassy/Darat el Funun)
2009 Atelier Rome, (BMUKK Austria, AT)
2009 Al Mahatta Workshop Residence, Bir Zeit/Ramallah, Palestine (Pro Helvetia, CH)
2007 Artellewa, Cairo, Egypt
2006/07 Pro Helvetia Cairo, Egypt (Pro Helvetia, CH)
2004 Paris, Cité des Arts (BMUKK Austria, AT)
2004 Exstream Residency, Interspace, Sofia/Bulgaria (BG)
Work Grants
2021 Research Grant 'Komplexe Bilder extended' (Pro Helvetia)
2021 Continuer (Canton of Bern)
2018 BAK Work Grant (Swiss Ministry of Culture)
2016/17 Art Commission (City & Canton of Bern)
2015/16 Art Commission (City & Canton of Bern)
2012 Photography Grant (Canton Bern)
2012 Video Work Grant (City & Canton of Bern)der Stadt Bern & Kanton Bern (CH)
2010/11 Sitemapping Production BAK (Swiss Ministry of Culture)
2008/09 Sitemapping Research Grant (Swiss Ministry of Culture)
2007 Work Grant Pro Helvetia / BMUKK (AT)
2005 Migros Aare + Bundeskanzleramt.Kunst (AT)
2002 Workgrant Logicaland, BMUKK (AT)
2002 Commission BIG Torino (Biennale Internationale delle arte giovane) (IT)
2022 Critical Image Practices, HSLU, Master Kunst, Major CIP (replacement Prof. Dr. Rachel Mader)
since 2020 ongoing Reading Pictures, Seminar (with Franz Krähenbühl) F+F Zurich, Fotografie HF
since 2021 ongoing Practical Workshops, F+F Zurich, Fotografie HF
since 2023 ongoing Research Seminar, F+F Zurich, Fotografie HF Curatorial Projects
2020/21 Text for 'Wallmapu-ex-situ': Im Pluriversum der Bühnen und Bilder
2024 Sprache erinnert Zukunft, akku Kunstplattform, Emmenbrücke
2024 20 Jahre, Galerie Beatrice Brunner, Bern (CH)
2023 Re-Imagining, VIII Art Of Research, Conference, Aalto University, Espoo (FI)
2023 Re-Imagining, VIII Art Of Research, Exhibition, Dipoli Gallery, Espoo (FI)
2023 Jubiläum 10+10+01, Kunsthaus Interlaken
2023 Mise en Scène, SFGB-B Bern
2021 Violence, The fourth biennial PARSE research conference, Gothenburg
2019/20 Cantonale Berne Jura, Kunstmuseum Thun (CH)
2019 Ohne Verfallsdatum, Coll. Migros Aare, Kunstmuseum Bern (CH)
2020 Cantonale Berne Jura, Kunstmuseum Thun (CH)
2020 Representations Interrupted, KCB, Belgrade (SRB)
2020 Ohne Verfalldatum, Collection of Migros Aare, Kunstmuseum Bern (CH)
2020 Almanach Fotografie, Publication and Exhibition, Terrain, Bern, CH
2019 gepard14, Bern (CH)
2019 Contribution for "Für die Vögel/for the birds" by Claudia Märzendorfer, Vienna.
2019 Konstruktion oder Palimpsest, gepard14, Bern/Liebefeld (CH)
2018 Zimmermannhaus Brugg | Brugg (CH)
2018 Co-Curating 'Choreography of the Frame', Kunsthalle Exnergasse | Wien (AT)
2017 Galerie Beatrice Brunner | Bern (CH)
2017 Galerie Beatrice Brunner, RIVOLI Bruxelles (BE)
2017 Esszimmer/Weltraum Basel (CH)2014 Bains Connectives, Brussels (BE)
2017 Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin Paris (FR)
2017 How Much Of This Is Fiction, FACT Liverpool (UK)
2017 How Much Of This Is Fiction, HeK House of Electronic Arts, Basel (CH)
2017 Sans titre (paramètres composés), Stadtgalerie, Bern (CH)
2017 Galerie Beatrice Brunner, Bern (CH), & RIVOLI, Brussels (BE)
2016 Digital Art Collection, HeK (House of electronic Arts), Basel (CH)
2016 21er Haus, Blickle Kino - Screenings on Museum and Urban Space, Vienna (At)
2016 Welle7, Migros Aare, Acquisitions, Bern (CH)
2016 «Interviewt» by Gilles Fontolliet, Book release at La Réunion, 22.07, Zurich (CH)
2016 On Landscape #3 at Lower Hewood Farm, Dorset (UK)
2016 Presentation at Kaus Australis, Rotterdam (NL)
2016 Artist Talk at Het Wilde Weten, Rotterdam (NL)
2015 Castelnuovo Fotografia - In Itinere, Castelnuovo (IT)
2015 Journées photographiques de Bienne, Biel-Bienne (CH)
2015 Lokal.Int, Subtitles for an unwritten Film. Biel/Bienne (CH)
2015 Décalage, Westfenster, Bern (CH)
2015 Forum im Juni. Bärenloch. Chur (CH)
2015 On Landscape, April - May 2015, Matèria Gallery, Rome (IT)
2015 Der Raum nach dem Raum, Kunsthaus Muerz, Mürzzuschlag (AT)
2015 Bern Baby Bern. Zu Gast in der Sammlung. Kunstmuseum Thun (CH)
2014/15 Cantonale Bern/Jura, Annual Exhibition, Kunsthaus Interlaken (CH)
2014 Walk a mile in my shoes, flat1. Vienna Art Week, Vienna (AT)
2014 InternationalArt Commons. Kunstallmend. Dampfzentrale Bern (CH)
2013/14 Annual Exhibition 2013/2014 / Kunsthalle Bern. Kunsthalle Bern (CH)
2013/14 Cantonale Bern/Jura, Centre Pasqu’art Biel/Bienne (CH)
2013/14 Weihnachtsausstellung Krethlow Galerie & Kabinett, Bern (CH)
2013 Ausstellung Fotopreis 2013 Kt. Bern, Kornhausforum Bern
2013 Feu Sacré, Kunstmuseum Bern (CH)
2013 Rencontres Orient-Occident, Chateau Mercier Sierre (CH)
2013 Fault lines, Fotok Galerie, Vienna (AT)
2013 Zwischenspiel: PROGR in House, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff, Bern (CH)
2013 James Lee Byars – and other perfect beauties, Krethlow Galerie, Bern (CH)
2013 Transform, Güterstrasse 8. Bern (CH)
2013 Video Window - Maia Gusberti/Margot Zanni, OG9 Zürich (CH)
2013 Videokunst.ch - Progr and Bienzgut Bern (CH)
2013 Tom Bläss Atelier, Bern (CH)
2013 Maia Gusberti/Nino Baumgartner Krethlow Galerie, Bern (CH)
2013 Nachbilder. Screening Kunstmuseum Bern, FFV Stiftung f. Foto, Film u. Video
2012 SELECTION | 2012, Prix Photoforum, PhotoforumPasquArt, Biel (CH)
2012 Cantonale Bern/Jura, Kunstmuseum Thun (CH)
2012 Cantonale Bern/Jura, Stadtgalerie Bern (CH)
2012 5th International Photobook Festival, Le Bal, Paris (FR)
2011/2012 Cantonale Bern/Jura, Musée jurassien des Arts, Moutier (CH)
2011/2012 “Whilst closely ...” Dampfzentrale Berne/Rawabet Theatre Cairo (CH/EG)
2011 Connect - Kunst zwischen Medien und Wirklichkeit, Shedhalle Zürich (CH)
2011 Fotopreis 2011, PhotoforumPasquArt, Biel (CH)
2011 Notizen/Matritzen, ImFocus-Kairo/EG, Galerie Beatrice Brunner, Bern (CH)
2010 A True Story, Grand Palais, Bern (CH)
2010 Un..schärfen des Dokumentarischen, Kunstfilmtag, Düsseldorf (D)
2010 In Zwischenräumen Visarte.galerie, Bern (CH)
2010 Swiss Art Awards 2010, Basel (CH)
2010 Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Grant/Exhibition, Kunsthaus Langenthal (CH)
2010 A l´ombre d´un doute, Frac Lorraine, Metz (F)
2010 8-Bit, Bon acceuil, Rennes (F)
2009/10 Welt-Bilder 3, Helmhaus Zürich (CH)
2009 Where are you, Townhouse Gallery Cairo (EG)
2009 El Mahatta Gallery / Riwaq Biennale (PL)
2009 C.Scapes, Stadtgalerie Bern (CH)
2009 A tower towards the sky, Online-Exhibition: ⚠ www.mouseum.ch
2008/09 Weihnachtsausstellung, Kunsthalle Bern (CH)
2008 Shift-Festival „record, record“, Basel (CH)
2008 Cairoscape. Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin (DE)
2008 Travel.agencies, Contemporary Image Collective CIC, Kairo (EG)
2007 Goodbye Privacy. Ars Electronica, Sunday.files, Linz (AT)
2007 Diagonale Graz, Short Film Programm, Graz (AT)
2006 The AustrianAbstracts, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam (NL)
2006 Arco, Digital Transit, Madrid (ES)
2006 Postmediale Kondition, Neue Galerie, Graz (A)
2005 BLANK. Urban Voids, Medienturm Graz (A)
2005 Signe Quotidien - Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris (F).
2005 In the line of light - Beijing International New Media Arts (China)
2004 The Anatomy of the Now, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam (NL)
2004 Free Bitflows, Künstlerhaus Wien (A)
2004 Game Commons, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco (US)
2004 Kunst am Bau Installation, FRAC Lorraine, Metz (F)
2003 World, Language, Iconicity, Rex/B92 Cultural Center, Belgrad, Serbien
2003 Abstraction Now, Künstlerhaus Wien (A)
2003 The Chrono-Files Lothringer13/halle, München (D)
2002 Prix-Ars Electronica Ausstellung OK Linz, (A)
2002 Change the Map, Brucknerhaus, Linz (A)
2002 Big Torino - The Big social Game, Biennale delle arte giovane, Torino (I)
2002 Logicaland, Forum Stadtpark Graz (A)
2001 Sonic Television Gallery, Kunsthalle Wien, Wien (A)
2016 Digital Art Collection, HeK (House of electronic Arts), Basel (CH)
2016 Migros Aare Collection, Berne (CH)
2015/16 City Arts Council Biel/Bienne (CH)
2013/14 City Arts Council Biel/Bienne (CH)
2013/14 City Arts Council Thun (CH)
2012/13 City Arts Council Berne (CH)
2011 City Arts Council Biel/Bienne (CH)
2011 Arts Council Canton Berne (CH)
2009 Arts Council Canton Berne (CH)